Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So, how to begin my third post...

I found out what my specific job at the festival is: I'm working with a program called the Producer's Network in the Marché du Film (the Film Market) of le Festival du Film a Cannes. It's set up for new producers to the industry or those who want to expand their knowledge or exposure to meet each other and experts in the field to grow their enterprises. I'm working a bunch of Happy Hours for them so I'm gonna get to hang out with a bunch of wealthy film producers while they have a drink and talk about films. Not bad, huh?

I also get to work in the Documentary Corner; it's where filmmakers with documentaries go to showcase their films and market them to funders. The whole concept of the Marché du Film is to help those with ideas or developing projects find partners to fund their films, essentially. It makes a little more sense now why they call it a market. That had been throwing me off for a long time, haha.

I finally met Richard Patry; he's the guy who along with my french professor got me this internship. I owe them both more than I can ever repay. But he's trying to get us all tickets to one of the premiers this week. I'll actually get to walk the red carpet...ooh la la haha.

I've gotta find a way to make some business cards or something to hand out to people, because I want to be ready if opportunity strikes with a big-time film producer. Regardless if I leave with direct contacts to a film project (which is unlikely but would still be FREAKIN AWESOME!) it's cool that I'm going to have some references in the field, and reputable ones at that. I mean...I'm working at the Cannes Film Festival! I still can't believe that I can say that. Today I was legitimately speechless after leaving Richard's office because I couldn't believe that all this was really happening.

Maybe one day I'll look back at this as the start of it all, but for now I'm just trying to soak it all in.


  1. Hey guy!
    I don't even know what to say; all you've written about sounds so fantastic. I look forward to reading about your trip in future posts. I also look forward to drinking them beers I'm gonna buy us when you come back. :-)


  2. I'm lookin forward to those beers as well haha. Until then, my friend :-)
